April 5, 2008

Thing 22 - What Did I Learn Today

I resolve, to spend 15 minutes a day reading my library and web 2.0 related blogs.

I resolve, to watch or at least listen to the webinars available through the Arrowhead Library System.

I resolve, to continue pestering Cheryl through her gmail, facebook, and Ning account.

I resolve, to learn something everyday.

Today I learned more about Gcast and how to use it on our City website.

I also joined a new Yahoo group lgwsl - Local Government Web in Second Life. Should be an interesting group!

I Resolve to continue using my MyYahoo.com home page but there are other things I would like to add but I have not been able to so I am going to also look more at IGoogle.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are very ambitious! I will be happy to keep up with the readings, librarything and twitter.